Content - Distribution

You can distribute your content in two ways.

a) Manually

b) Automatically through online sales

If you want to give people access to your content without the purchase it’s possible. We call it a manual content distribution. To do that go to the Content section and next to a container you want to give access to, click “codes”. Click “Add” to generate a new access code.


You can send this code to your client and he can enter it on the website to get access to content. You can easily see check whether the code was used. If you want this code to be valid without access verification control choose “Reusable”. When you select it, our system will allow everyone with a code to view content.

If you connected your container with an offer and the client buys something through your selling website, the system will create a code itself. The code will be assigned to the order. If the client enters the code or views it, you will see in the system that code was used.